This unit describes the competence in applying workshop technology practices. It entails performing masonry, plumbing and carpentry tasks. It also involves performing electrical and mechanical operations

This unit covers the competencies required to prepare and interpret technical drawings. It involves competencies to select, use and maintain drawing equipment and materials. It also involves producing plain geometry drawings, solid geometry drawings, pictorial and orthographic drawings and application of Computer Aided Design (CAD) packages.

In education various approaches have been used and these have evolved within the years. Curriculum developers and designers have tried to come up with new course designs in their attempt to improve quality in teaching and learning. Policy makers have stipulated new guidelines aimed at quality assurance and improvement within the education sector in their respective countries. Teachers have also been changing their pedagogies in their attempt to improve teaching and learning. Flexible and Blended learning is the latest approach in the education domain that has been in practice for a few decades now in the Diaspora. The approach is becoming more and more popular due to its nature of inclusiveness and learner-centeredness

In general, a physical education courseĀ focuses on physical fitness and the health benefits associated with physical fitness. The course will include topics like movements competence and concepts such as stretching, strategic gameplay for sports, health and wellness, and the impact of physical activity.